"Tell Us Your Story" Videos
Your memories saved to video - A Legacy for generations
You have a story to tell and share
Your story may not seem very interesting to you today, but it is interesting to your children and their children and for generations to come. Imagine if you had a video of your grandfather or great-grandmother talking about their childhood or simply what an average day was like. That's you. Today. By making this video, you will not only strengthen your bond with the younger generations of your family, but bring history to life for them. Read through this list of suggested topics . . . You have a story . . . a unique story . . . the story of you . . .and you need to share it. How would you like to be remembered? What gives you the most joy in life? Why? Lessons you've learned that you'd like to pass on. Stories about your parents or grandparents. Your favorite childhood memories. Here is a list of many more ideas It sounds interesting. Tell me more |
Charlie Rose said one of the regrets in his life is not recording conversations with his parents. “It is one of the important things I regret, which is that I never spent time — knowing the skills that I have — to talk to my parents that much and record it,” Rose said. “Record it, because my father was a fabulous talker [with] a first-rate mind and a first-rate memory.”